SpringEdge / Virtual Numbers

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Virtual Numbers

Virual number service is a completely automated web based application enables you to access the real time notifications of all calls on dedicated virtual mobile/land Line Phone/toll free number. Our system also has the power to integrate with different APIs which make virtual numbers the efficient and powerful way to expand your business opportunities.

Virtual number platform can be a stand alone service or can be plugged into your CRM system to automate campaigns, contests, lead generation and more with a multi-channel combination. Measure your campaign response across locations, ads, channels with unique phone number for each source.

When the call or sms arrives on a virtual number, our automated system capture the customer's mobile number or related information and call and reject the call or send an automated response. This captured information can be forwarded configured API details, As soon as virtual number receive a call or sms, the platform will push this number details to your server. You also have option to fetch details any time using simple RestAPIs.

One of the easiest method to boost your sales, we offer virutal mobile number service with quick delivery and easy-to-use application interface to access the live data which can be used for lead capture, new user activation, opt in subscriptions, number verification and customer feedback.

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